Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 34 Alligator River (intermittent internet Fri am)

Couldn't get internet last night or today, so blogs will come in bulk when we get close to Elizabeth City tomorrow.  Even tried roaming networking and there ain't nothin' out here. Crossed the Pamlico River, which more resembles a large bay, early this morning. Was amazed when I saw a very small sailboat, maybe 14', that we have seen off and on since Fernandino Beach, Fl. It looks like a canoe with a couple sails and a pontoon attached with supplies. Two guys are on it and they must be sailing day and night- we get ahead of them and then a week later we pass them again. I tried hailing them on the radio, but they must not have one. We will have to keep an eye out for them again and get a picture. Would love to talk to the adventurous twosome to find out what they are trying to accomplish. After the Pamlico, we entered  the Alligator River - Pungo River Canal or maybe it's the "not quite so dismal swamp". It took us about 40 miles away from the Outer Banks and was 20 miles long. The River goes on f-o-r-e-v-e-r. Houses pop up ever so often or a million dollar bridge with no cars crossing it. (NC must have some savvy representatives in Congress). There's all kinds of foliage (blocking the air movement) - pine, cypress, juniper, maybe elms, trees covered in vines. I think it's safe to say we will not run out of pilings or telephone poles for awhile. Then on the bank, I spied the tiniest spotted fawn. It was maybe 18" high - not as tall as Brandi's Kayo. Freaking unreal! You'll have to look close in the second picture. It's in the dead center under the foliage right above the river waterline. When we popped out into the open mouth of the River, the landscape looked prehistoric. There was not a sign of civilization in site...anywhere. I was honestly looking for dinosaurs when out of nowhere, 2 jet fighters started buzzing us. They were loud. Remember the scene from Top Gun where Tom buzzes the Control Tower? Well, we were the guy with the coffee. Since this place lacks any sort of development, John thought this might be their practice area. Did an extra long day of 72 miles to Little Alligator Inlet/River. Tomorrow will be a shorter day crossing the Albemarle Sound to the city docks of Elizabeth City...and internet.

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