Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 40 Portsmouth and Norfolk

Today was a turning point in our trip and a phenomenal day. One of the biggest benefits of this journey is the people you meet and the knowledge you gain from them. We had breakfast with Robert, the bridge and lock tender. He is an accomplished conch shell player and a fascinating historian of the area. He also gave us some advice - "don't plan more than a half day in advance." Basically , STOP and smell the roses of this great adventure. We were going to blow past Norfolk because it was a big busy port, but this couple we met in the Dismal Swamp, Bernie and Carol, and Robert talked us out of that idea. We are so glad they did. When we entered the port - it is overwhelming - the size, the bridges, the ships, the buildings, the Navy Yard. The harbor is freaking amazing from the water. We hooked up to a free dockage by the ferries right in the historic district. First, we visited the Hill Museum. This house, built in 1805, was home to 4 generations of Hills. When it was bequeathed to the historic society, the family left all of the contents in the home. You see and touch their clothes, their dishes, their linens, their portraits - their lives. It was a trip through time - 4 stories of it. We also went to the Maritime Museum - very informative. Tonight we went to The Comadore Theater, a renovated movie house from the '40's. They serve food and drink while you sit in comfortable chairs at a table. The screen is huge and modern, but they restored all the original murals and decorations and kept it the flavor of it's time. Admission is only $7. Crazy! We saw Jersey Boys, which we highly recommend. It was a fun evening we enjoyed with Bernie and Carol. Today, I think, our attitude changed. We are not only doing a jounrney, we are now savoring  it. Staying another day to explore some more, but more importantly, Madi and Cam are coming to visit us tomorrow. Can't wait to see them! 


  1. He also gave us some advice - "don't plan more than a half day in advance." Basically , STOP and smell the roses of this great adventure. - I am so glad you talked with Robert - this excellent advice.

  2. “Life is a journey, not a destination.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
