Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 115 St. Joseph

Started off as a normal morning. However, after we got 3 miles out from Saugatuck, Becky and Dell's sailboat's engine died. But that's okay, it's a sailboat - they'll use the wind. Then at 5 miles, they lost the wind. Not good. So we towed them back to Saugatuck for some maintenance. John slid by the marina and Dell glided 'er right in with Becky on the lines. You would have thought we had done it before. They told us to boat on since good days on the lake are getting scarce and they would, hopefully, catch up later. As it turns out, they got going again, called us and are doing a night sail to get home by 11 tonight. Why the rush? A polar vortex is going to make life uncomfortable up here after tomorrow.  The seas were rolling, but tolerable. They eventually laid down, the temperature revved up making it an excellent boating day. The sky is the story today as opposed to the lakeshore. It looked like an art student's rendition of a perfect day. It's the sky blue you want to paint a room, but when you get the color on the wall, it just doesn't compare. Man can't reproduce it. Was welcomed to the St. Joe Harbor by the sculpture in the last picture and really wanted to stay and see the city - hang with Becky and Dell some more. After all, it's been voted the sixth best city in the US. But that is not in the stars, the weather is making it necessary to get off of Lake Michigan before we end up spending the winter here, so tomorrow we head out really early to cross over to the Hammond Marina in Calumet Harbor. Fortunately, ran into a couple in the marina here that are crossing tomorrow morning, too, so will go together - safety in numbers! 

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