Friday, September 26, 2014

Day 133 Frank and Carol are in the House

. . . Rather they are on the boat. Couldn't have picked better weather to visit. It's in the 50's at night and maybe 80 during the day. The marina has been filling up since yesterday. Most of this facility are locals who use their boats as summer cottages. The people in our neighboring slip, Sue and Jim, drive about an hour to come here. She made bar-b-qued ribs and shared them with us. Food for the gods - delicious. Carol and Frank finally got here this afternoon, late, after some trials and tribulations. The Chicago airport had a fire in the air traffic control center set by a disgruntled contract employee, who later tried to slit his throat. This closed both Chicago airports. Travelers to that area were diverted to St. Louis, grabbing all the rental cars so they could complete their journey, leaving none for our friends. They had to take a cab here. Just before they arrived, a boat docked in the slip across from ours. Their yacht was called "Fiddlin' Around". When I inquired about it, they said they were musicians and did an impromptu mini concert for about 8 of us right on the dock. The last pic is them doing my request for "Wagonwheel", a song with special meaning to me. Jack was even enthrallled with them and sat on the bow of our boat listening to their amazing music. They told us they would be playing some more after dinner up at the marina pub, the Big Kahuna. And they did. A crowd of us, mostly Loopers, were entertained till 11 pm by their blue grass, Cajun, and countrified music. Carol even danced a waltz and Cajun two step with another boater. The Fiddler, Jeff, is an award winning fiddler and he could play! The evening was an unexpected, delightful pleasure. Life just happens. 

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