Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 102 St. Ignace

Woke up to an amazing sky. Got out early to take advantage of somewhat smooth seas on Lake Huron. It's cool again after the front moved through, but warmed up after we hit the shores of St. Ignace. It was a six hour run to our next municipal marina - again, very well maintained. Wind really kicked up right after we passed Mackinaw Island giving us a taste of what the Great Lakes can be like and confirming why we have to keep an eye on the weather, wind, currents and waves. St. Ignace brags to be one of the first 4 permanent settlements in the U.S. Lighthouses are everywhere in the north and Michigan has more than any other state with 115. They are every shape and size. In DeTour, you can stay in one for a four day weekend , and for a fee, you can be a temporary lighthouse keeper - cleaning, tending the structure, and giving tours. The north also has it's share of strange bugs. The insect picture is of a May Fly. To evaluate how skewed the summer temps have been, these critters should have been spawning in May or June (hence their name); however, they are just coming out now. These creepy looking aquatic insects are much bigger than a normal fly, but except for making a mess on the boat, they are perfectly harmless. In their final stage of life, known as dun,  they are also excellent bait used by the local fisherman. Borrowing some bikes from the marina and going to explore the town. 

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