Friday, August 1, 2014

Day 77 Peterborough

Well, Hastings will not be holding a special place in our hearts and I'm sure they were just as glad to see us go too. It started yesterday with the rope fiasco, then John had to adjust the prop shaft seal because he had discovered a leak during the day. This morning, he was burning ends of lines and he had a bit of a problem with the propane. Let's just say he has a few singed hairs now. Finally, as we are readying to go through the lock, Jack turns up missing. The little sneak unzipped and unsnapped the door. One of the lock masters located him in an abandoned house that was near the docking wall. Needless to say he is grounded! By now, the winds are blowing like a bear as John is trying to get in and out of the lock. Most of the rest of the day went better. We crossed Rice Lake which was breathtakingly beautiful. It is filled with islands with quaint fishing cottages only accessible by water and bucolic farms on sloping hills. We exited the lake onto the Ontonabee River, which is a narrow winding "stream" that more resembled a Florida canal than the rivers we've been use to lately. Right as we approached the last lock, a big storm was brewing and the current was kicking up. Oh, and as we were waiting for the water to rise,  the lock attendant told us about how the Hastings lockmaster had to find a cat in the morning. Hmmm - who could he be referring to??! We slid into our dock at Peyerborough Marina just as the rain started to fall. They gave us a Looper's Welcome Bag which Jack decided to wear (pic 3). Hiked to Boater's World for our new chip, binoculars, and charts so we can continue on our Canadian adventure on Sunday. 

1 comment:

  1. i think you might want to consider getting a gps locator for Jacks collar. HEHEHEHE
