The Georgian Bay, located at the northern end of Lake Huron, is a large body of water filled with rocks and literally 30,000 islands. John expected to be fairly alone, making frequent stops to pick blueberries and chase bears. Honestly! Aahhh, not so much. After leaving the last lock of the Trent.Severn, which was again crowded with a strong current, we were thrust into narrow channels with hordes of boats and wave runners surrounded by bolders jutting out EVERYWHERE. The channels are clearly marked but they twist and turn which is quite challenging in the wind while you play dodge boat. Before entering some of the cuts, you have to alert other vehicles coming from the other end with a securite call because there's only room for one boat at a time. A little nerve wracking. Decided to anchor in a quiet inlet near Bone Island suggested by Beulah Belle. It was a welcome retreat from the initial insanity and wind of Georgian Bay. We hear it gets less chaotic the farther west you go in the bay - hoping for that tomorrow. The last picture is John having a rum and Coke with Jack at our anchorage after a grueling day of captaining. Latitude N 44 degrees 56' 40.1" Longitude W 079 degrees 51' 44"
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